First training session :
Exercises Sets & Reps
Incline Chest Dumbbell Press 3×15
Butterfly 3×15
Downward Cable Crossover 3×18
Dumbbell One Arm Triceps Extension 3×18
Triceps push down 3×18
Cable One Arm Tricep Extension(reverse grip) 3×18
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown front of face 3×20
Underhand Cable Pulldowns 3×20
Second training session :
Exercises Sets & Reps
Standing Low-Pulley Deltoid Raise 3×15
Machine Shoulder (Military) Press + front shoulder raise 3×(15+15)
bent raise shoulder 3×15
Reverse Butterfly 3×15
biceps dumbbell curl 3×12
Standing Bicep Cable Curl 3×15
Third training session: :
Exercises Sets & Reps
Leg Extensions 3×15
pile 3×18
leg press machine 3×15
lunges with dumbbell 3×20
Lying Leg Curls 3×18
Glute cable kick backs with cable 3×15
Description :
-5 days per week gym with above 3 programs rotatory 
-4 day per week before breakfast go cardio 25min+25min
-After training session 1,2,3 go bike for 30 min
-During cardio your heat rate must be between 110 to 130
-3 days per week after training and before cardio go for Abs exercises
-most important part of your program is Cardio and your hear rate