Chest Exercises :
Exercises Sets & Reps
Incline Machine Bench Press 4×10
Smith Machine Bench Press + Dumbbell Chest Bench Press 4×(12+12)
Butterfly 4×12
Triceps Exercises :
Exercises Sets & Reps
Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment 4×10
seated one dumbbell overhead triceps extension with two hands + Triceps with Dip Machine 4×(12+12)
Cable Rope Overhead Tricep Extension 4×10
Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press 4×12
Back Exercises :
Exercises Sets & Reps
hammer strength iso row machine wide grip 4×10
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown front of face 4×10
back single dummbell 4×10
Biceps Exercises :
Exercises Sets & Reps
Standing Bicep Cable Curl 4×10
Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl 4×12
Seated barbell curl 4×12
Shoulder Exercises :
Exercises Sets & Reps
Standing Low-Pulley Deltoid Raise 4×10
Machine Shoulder (Military) Press + Arnold Dumbbell Press 4×(10+10)
Front Cable Raise 4×12
Reverse Butterfly 4×12
trap dumbbell 4×15
Quads Exercises :
Exercises Sets & Reps
Leg Extensions 4×15
leg press machine 4×12
pile + dumbbell single squat 4×(15+15)
Hamstring Exercises :
Exercises Sets & Reps
Lying Leg Curls 4×12
single leg curl 4×15
Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine 3×20