first training session :
Exercises Sets & Reps
Incline Chest Dumbbell Press 4×12
Machine Bench Press + chest flyes 4×(12+12)
Butterfly 4×15
Triceps push down 4×12
Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press 4×12
Kneeling Cable Triceps Extension 4×12
Hammerstrength Iso Row 4×15
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown front of face 4×15
back single dummbell 4×15
second training session :
Exercises Sets & Reps
Standing Low-Pulley Deltoid Raise 4×12
Machine Shoulder (Military) Press + front shoulder raise 4×(12+12)
Reverse Butterfly 4×15
Dumbbell Shrug 4×15
biceps dumbbell curl 4×12
Biceps Barbell Curl 4×10
concentration curl 4×15
Third training session :
Exercises Sets & Reps
Leg Extensions 4×12
leg press machine 4×12
lunges with dumbbell 4×15
Thigh Adductor with machine 4×25
Lying Leg Curls 4×10
single leg curl 4×15
seated calf raise machine 3×20
Description :
-6 days per week training with 3 different programs : 
Saturday & Tuesday : with first training session program
Sunday & Wednesday : with second training session program
Monday & Thursday : with Third training session program
- 5 days per week cardio in morning
- After first and second training sessions also cardio: 25min + 25min